Wet-Chemical Cleaning
– Formulation of Aqueous and Solvent-Based Cleaners –
Wet-chemical cleaning techniques still are in large use in pretreatment of surfaces. The product range available at the market is very extensive. Accordingly, it is quite complex to choose a convenient cleaner for the respective purpose and determine its suitability for the upcoming problem. Our expertise in the field of surface cleaning and treatment comprises longtime experiences in application of commercial available cleaners for various surfaces and materials, in the formulation of cleaners for specific applications as well as the analysis and evaluation of the cleaned surface.
Key aspects of our works are the replacement of solvent containing cleaners with aqueous systems and the development of cleaning systems including activating additives. In doing so, a reduction of process steps is intended by combining cleaning with surface treatment. In this context, already finished and ongoing developments of hybrid processes are related, where a (activating) cleaning procedure is combined with a physical surface treatment (UVC irradiation, laser treatment, plasma). Depending on the purpose, water based or solvent containing cleaning formulations are developed, which additionally contain cleaning chemicals as well as additives fitted for the particular system, to create a bonding and functionalizing effect in the successional “dry” process.
A typical example of an “activating cleaning” is the cleaning and pretreatment of phylon sole material for the application of water based adhesive systems. A cleaner formulation was developed which contains UVC - activatable components besides of the cleaning ingredients. In an UVC treatment following a cleaning process, the surface of the sole material is activated and can be processed with water based adhesives.

Dr. Joerg Leuthaeusser
Head of Department
Primer and Chemical Surface Treatment
Phone: +49 3641 2825 48