Industrial Research Institute INNOVENT e. V.
INNOVENT is an external, non-profit, industrial research institution which functions without institutional funding. We are a legally registered association with membership stemming from the industry and scientific fields.
Our core competencies include Smart Surfaces, galvanic applications, simulation, magneto-optics and sensor technology as well as customer-specific analytical services. An extensive synthesis know-how and a broad spectrum of biological investigations complement our competencies.
INNOVENT organizes various conferences, such as: the ak-adp (User Forum Atmospheric Pressure Plasma), the ThGOT (Theme Days on Interfacial Engineering and Surface Technology), and the Forum Inn-O-Kultur. You can find more information on this topic, under the heading "Events". In addition, we manage various networks throughout Germany. This listing is offered under the heading "Memberships in Institutions".
We pass our know-how on to bachelor's and master's students, as well as doctoral candidates who are in training as young professionals. Our qualified scientists offer companies further education in areas of scientific and industrial competence.
The institute is a founding member of the German Industrial Research Association Konrad Zuse. More than 70 industry-related research institutions are organized in this association with the aim of bringing more innovations from science into the economy.
Research Output and Transfer
A total of approximately 580 research projects, especially for industrial partners, have been successfully completed within the last 5 years. Funding programs from the EU, the Federal Government, as well as from state, foundations and industry funds have been utilized.
INNOVENT has achieved and promoted the following:
- 5 spin-offs (approx. 30 employees), which market INNOVENT developments
- Coordination and initiation of numerous networks and alliances (InnoNet, growth core J-1013 and others)
- Membership in more than 18 expert committees
- Numerous cooperations with universities and research institutions
- Training activities: lectures, guest lectures, further education, dissertations, supervision of diploma and bachelor's theses, and training of apprentices
- Events: INNOVENT colloquia, workshops, organizer of the Theme Days on Interfacial and Surface Engineering (ThGOT), initiator of the User Group Atmospheric Pressure Plasma (ak-adp) and the Forum Inn-O-Kultur
In-Service / Advanced Training
Furthermore, INNOVENT functions as an educational institution in the Jena area, in cooperation with the University of Jena and the University of Applied Sciences in Jena. Over 100 doctoral students, diploma students and undergraduate students have, to date, worked on topics for doctorates, diploma theses and term papers. In addition, INNOVENT offers numerous further education opportunities designed for the industry.
Our Mission
In 2030 we are the private-sector institute for functional surfaces and system-integrated materials in Europe.
We are creating an institute with the aim of securing the long-term future by combining the fields of 'materials', 'surface technologies' and 'systems'. This enables us to achieve outstanding profitability, attractive jobs and an excellent competitive position. The combination of scientific competence makes us a welcome partner for our customers.
Directors | Dr. Bernd Grünler, deputy: Dr. Arnd Schimanski, Dr. Uwe Möhring |
Research area Surface Technology | Dr. Sebastian Spange, Dr. Sven Gerullis |
Research area Primer & Chemical Surface Treatment | Dr. Jörg Leuthäusser |
Research area Magnetic & Optical Systems | Rocco Holzhey, M. Sc. |
Research area Biomaterials | Sabrina Hauspurg, M. Eng., Dr. Matthias Schnabelrauch |
Research area Analytics & Materials Testing | Dr. Katrin Pawlik |
Strategic Controlling / Administration | Dr. Uwe Möhring |
Technics | Armin Schmidt |
Equal opportunities at INNOVENT e.V.
Equal opportunities for women and men is a central concern of INNOVENT e.V. The aim is to guarantee men and women, regardless of their respective qualifications, the same opportunities when realizing their individual career aspirations. This applies to all organizational levels and areas. Although women already make up a comparatively high proportion of the scientific staff within the INNOVENT team, the proportion of women in the higher scientific status groups is still low. We have therefore set ourselves the goal of continuously and rapidly increasing the proportion of women in management positions. We will create structures to promote top female scientists in a targeted manner and thus increase the proportion of female managers at the institute. In our research, as well as in our cooperation, we want to benefit from a high level of internationality and scientific exchange in the future. Curiosity, a recurring change of perspective and the questioning of established perspectives are essential for excellent research. Any form of discrimination contradicts the basic principle of science and research.
Promotion of young female scientists
The fact that the proportion of female students and thus the number of female graduates in comparison to their male colleagues is significantly lower in the MINT area than is the case in humanities subjects, for example, proves to be a challenge. For this reason, the search for suitable female candidates is not always easy. For INNOVENT, this means specifically promoting young women during their studies and doctorate. Suitable young female scientists are given long-term prospects. They are given responsibility in order to prepare them for tasks in management positions and to bind them to the institute in the long term.