

from and about INNOVENT


Rapid method for surface analysis established at INNOVENT

Since recently, INNOVENT has a very fast method for elemental depth profile analysis. Glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES) allows the profiling of all types of conducting and non-conducting solid samples using a pulsed RF source, from the first nanometer to over 150 µm depth.

The GDOES uses argon ion bombardment with a plasma to ablate the samples under investigation layer by layer, making it a destructive technique. By diffusion, the ablated atoms of the sample enter the plasma, where they are stimulated, triggered by impact processes. As a result, photons with an element-specific wavelength are emitted, which is subsequently detected by the optics installed in the spectrometer. The intensity is a measure for the amount of the contained element.

The RF excitation of Horiba Scientific's GD Profiler 2 enables the analysis of all elements of the periodic table of conductive (metals) and non-conductive samples (e.g. glasses or ceramics), including hydrogen, lithium, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. Using differential interferometry profiling (DiP), it is possible to make real-time measurements of sputter crater depths to obtain correlations to elemental distribution and depth of analysis. Curved surfaces can be analyzed by using a special anode.

If we have sparked your interest in carrying out a joint project, please contact Dr. Björn Kretzschmar.

GDOES was co-financed by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Union within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Project No.: 2019 WIN 0003

Dr. Bjoern Kretzschmar
+49 3641 2825 54