

from and about INNOVENT

Smaller research institutes are left behind

Significant gaps in package adopted by the government to support research

The Federal Government has decided to provide one billion euros to support research institutes in order to ensure that promising projects do not have to be abandoned. Which sounds impressive has unfortunately serious shortcomings at a closer look.  The programme passed by the government only affects large institutes such as Fraunhofer or Max Planck Society, whereas smaller research institutions such as INNOVENT, which do not receive basic funding, are not considered. The Zuse community therefore sent a letter to the responsible authorities containing the main that medium-sized companies depend on application-oriented research such as those carried out by INNOVENT and other Zuse institutes. The Zuse community, which represents the interests of 76 independent private research organizations, has therefore sent a letter to the responsible authorities containing the main argument that small and medium-sized companies in particular rely on application-oriented research, such as INNOVENT and other Zuse institutes offer.

In order to secure their project funding and sustainably strengthen innovation impulses, the Zuse community urges the coalition in its letter to implement improvements.


You can learn more about this topic by clicking on the following links (content in german):

Handelsblatt online: Kleine Forschungsinstitute sehen sich benachteiligt – und fürchten um ihre Existenz

rbb: Hilferuf der Zuse-Gemeinschaft  

Zuse-Gemeinschaft: AiF und Zuse-Gemeinschaft für Nachbesserungen am Konjunkturprogramm im Interesse der Innovationsförderung